Health and Well-Being, Motivational Corner

Lovingly Yours- Your Liver L-A-W-Y-E-R

Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver. – William James

Liver weighs about 3 pounds, it is reddish-brown in colour, a large and meaty organ. The largest filtration process of the body is the liver, where it filters the blood coming from the system, specifically from the heart via hepatic artery and from the intestine via the portal vein.

Apart from filtration, liver detoxify chemicals, metabolize drugs and make protein that is core in blood clotting factors. It also produce bile necessary to digest food by breaking fats.

However, once liver malfunctioned, other systems become affected, too. For the liver to function efficiently, our liver needs a L-A-W-Y-E-R. This L-A-W-Y-E-R is affordable as it is FREE for anyone who embrace change by becoming healthy this new year.

This L-A-W-Y-E-R stands for the following:

Loving liver through its location and characteristics. The liver is located at the upper part of the tummy on the right-hand side under the lower ribs. It consists about 96% of water inside the cells and in the blood. It can rebuild or regenerate itself even from 25% to 100% of liver function again and it is bigger than the human brain.

Abstinence in alcohol- a high level of alcohol consumption builds up fatty deposits in the liver. It leads to lack of vitamin B1 known as thiamine. Thiamine helps convert food into energy. The body is unable to produce thiamine and alcohol dependency is one of the common risks for developing thiamine deficiency. So, instead of drinking alcohol, this drink can be replaced by drinking green tea as it has anti-oxidant components. Also, water with lemon has alkalizing and detoxifying effects to the body.

Weight management to avoid Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The liver should contain little or no fat.  Obesity can speed up the process in developing Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease resulting to liver failure.  Hence, many healthcare experts encourage individuals to maintain a healthy weight with a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. This can be monitored using BMI healthy weight calculator.

Your liver’s health should be one of the top health priorities after new year and on daily basis. Having a healthy liver means it filters blood, detoxifies chemicals, metabolize drugs, makes protein for clotting factors and produces bile in the body.  Part of maintaining healthy liver is to reduce the risk of contracting viral hepatitis and other liver diseases.

Eating 5-a day diet that compose of fruits and vegetables. This type of diet is a good source of vitamins and minerals that replenish and maintain a healthy body. It prevents constipation and cleanses the digestive system. Furthermore, it helps to lower the risk of many diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and some cancer.

Regular exercise at least 30 minutes a day helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Exercises varies from every individual’s capacities and it should be the right exercise based on the individual’s needs. Also, regular exercise burns fat and calories, helps in reducing weight and good for de-stressing.

Over to you…

Our liver is the largest organ inside the body. It has its multi-purpose functions to live happily and healthy. – Lovingly yours- be a Liver L-A-W-Y-E-R.


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